Friday, 19 June 2015

Cleaning up with Dettol

Dettol recently sent me a few of their products to try. Luke always makes a mess when he is baking so I thought that was the perfect opportunity to try some of them out!

It was Grandma's 90th birthday last week so Luke made a cake. Before he started I sent him to wash his hands. We used the Dettol No Touch Antibacterial hand wash which is brilliant as you just put your hands underneath the spout and soap is automatically dispensed. Not only do you use less soap but you don't have a grotty soap dispenser sat on the side of the sink. Good hand hygiene is very important as it helps prevent the spread of bacteria as infectious diseases can be spread from one person to another by contaminated hands, particularly tummy bugs, colds and flu. Dettol No Touch Antibacterial hand wash kills 99.9% of bacteria so is a great hand wash to have in the kitchen and bathroom.

Dettol have a handy guide to washing hands which you can read here.

We got the recipe book out and Luke had a look through to find the recipe for a Victoria sponge cake. The recipe we used was 

8oz butter
8oz caster sugar
8oz self raising flour
2 tsp baking powder
4 eggs

He weighed out the ingredients and then mixed them all together. We do have a mixer but both boys prefer mixing cakes by hand. My Grandma always mixed cakes by hand and hers always turned out beautifully so perhaps mixing by hand is the better method if you have time.

Once the cake was mixed he put it into two tins ready to go into the oven.

When the cakes came out of the oven we left them to cool and then we decorated them the following day.

I think someone has had a taste of this one!

We spread jam over one of the cakes and then made some butter cream by mixing icing sugar and butter together. This was spread on top of the jam.

He then sandwiched the two cakes together

To finish it off he sprinkled icing sugar on the top

Here is the finished cake with candles on - we didn't have 90 so we put 9 on instead!

Once we had finished decorating the cake it was time to clean up. I gave Luke the Dettol Power and Fresh multi purpose cleaner to try. He isn't a fan of cleaning up after baking but as I had asked him to tell me what he thought about it he was really good and cleaned up all the icing sugar that he had spilt. He said it was really easy to use and had a nice smell. I have been using it in the kitchen and it is great for keeping kitchen surfaces clean. I love the fresh smell too! Now Luke has had a go at cleaning up I am hoping he will clean up every time he bakes!

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