Saturday, 22 October 2011

ChokaBlok Ice cream

I have been a Bzzagent for a couple of years and have been lucky enough to bzz about a number of great products. Bzzagent are a "Word of Mouth" marketing company and as a member I get a campaign pack which includes the product I need to talk about as well as money off coupons for the product and sometimes samples to give away to friends. In return I must submit Bzz reports which are basically a report on how and where I have told people about the product I am bzzing about.
My latest Bzz campaign is for ChokaBlok Ice cream which looks absolutely fantastic. I can't wait to receive my Bzz pack and try the ice cream.

Bump & Grind

Bump & Grind by Genevieve Morton is a fantastic book for anyone who is struggling to conceive.

When reading it you feel you are chatting to a good friend who knows everything you are going through and however daft the question knows how to answer it. Best of all, it helps you feel that you are not alone - as well as the author's experiences there are plenty of quotes dotted throughout the book from people going through the same emotions and ups and downs that you go through when you are desperately trying to have a baby.
The book is informative, without being like a text book, and I love Genevieve's style of writing, it is humorous and made me laugh out loud in places. Having read a couple of fertility books and found them incredibly boring it is a refreshing change to read this book as it is so accurate but funny too, on every page there was something I could relate to.
An excellent book that I would definitely recommend for anyone who is trying for a baby.