Sunday, 30 November 2014

Manchester Tart

William has been trying out some new recipes and at the weekend made a Manchester tart. I remember having this for pudding at school and the custard being bright yellow! The recipe he used was a much posher recipe as it had whole raspberries in it. I suspect the school dinner version was made with a very thin layer of raspberry jam and there certainly wasn't a raspberry in sight.

He first made a pastry case, baked it blind and then covered it with jam, raspberries and coconut.

He then made custard from scratch, this can be very difficult to do but his custard turned out really well. The lumps were soon beaten out and it tasted delicious.

The custard was put on the top and decorated with raspberries.

The Manchester Tart was really tasty and is definitely a recipe we will make again.

1 comment:

  1. That tart looks so scrumptious! I have never had Manchester tart before but I think I may give it a go soon. Thanks for Sharing Rachel X
