Monday, 5 June 2017

Grandma's Jam Flapjack

My Grandma was a fantastic baker, living on a farm she had plenty of hungry mouths to feed and would bake at least twice a week. I had some pastry left over from making egg custards so I thought I would have a go at making her jam flapjack. I hadn't a clue what the recipe was so I went to see if Mum knew. She gave me a tatty piece of paper with the ingredients and told me I needed to copy it as I couldn't take it out of the house!! There was also the ingredients for jam slice so I will have a go at making that next week. I felt like I was on a challenge for The Great British Bake Off as there was no method or cooking details so I made it up as I went along! 

These are the ingredients

6oz sugar
6oz margarine
12 big tablespoons of porridge oats (Mum had written 8oz next to this, she thought it must be from a previous attempt at making it)

I mixed the ingredients together, 12 big tablespoons didn't weigh anything like 8oz so I added 15 which weighed 6oz.

I then lined a baking tray with the pastry, baked it blind for 5 minutes and then added a layer of raspberry jam.

I put the oat mix onto the jam and then put it in the middle of the oven for 12 minutes and then a further 5 minutes at the bottom of the oven.

I guessed at the timings but they seemed to work and when I took it out of the oven it looked and smelt delicious. I couldn't wait until it had cooled so I tested it whilst it was still warm and it tasted just as I remembered. It was so easy to make that I will be making this a lot more often now.

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