Friday, 28 August 2015

Crème Brûlée

This week the contestants on The Great British Bake Off made Crème Brûlée. As William is still off school and has more time he decided he would have a go at making them. Despite having a cupboard full to bursting of pots, we didn't have any small glass dishes but fortunately Grandma came to the rescue with some that William could use.

William stuck to a traditional Crème Brûlée rather than some of the unusual flavours that were made on TV. It also gave him the opportunity to use his blowtorch that he got off Auntie Fiona. It caramalised the top beautifully and William was sensible enough to use it on the cooker, so it was good to see he has learnt from past experience!!

They tasted delicious and William said they were easy to make so hopefully we will be having these again soon.

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