Monday, 5 December 2011

Priddy Books Lets's Go Learning Word Fun

Luke was really excited when we received a large parcel of books from Priddy Books to review. Books are such an important part of learning and Priddy Books always have bright, colourful books that are a pleasure to look at.

The Word Fun book is aimed at children who are 5 and older and who are at key stages 1 and 2. The book helps with reading skills, problem solving and writing skills and there is a good mix of activities for children to do. I was very surprised at how quickly Luke (age 6) worked out what to do with the word searches as he had never done one before and he really enjoyed finding all the words. All the activities in the book were just the right level for him and he could read what to do on each page and do the puzzles with very little help from me. The first time he looked at the book he sat quite happily doing the puzzles for a good hour and has kept going back to them since. This is obviously a sign of a good activity book, if they are too easy he soon gets bored but Priddy Books have got the level just right with this book. There were also crosswords, missing letter activities, mixed up word puzzles and plenty of opportunities to write. In the middle of the book there are two huge pages of stickers and I especially liked the star stickers that had comments like "Well Done" and "Superstar" as they could be used for encouragement. Luke liked sticking them on the pages he had finished when he was showing me what he had done.

Overall this is an excellent book and is great for rainy days!

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