Sunday, 27 July 2014

Flying Ring Golf Review

Normally the minute school finishes you can guarantee that the weather will change and become cold and wet! This year must be the first time this hasn't happened and for once we have had beautiful sunshine all week. The boys have spent lots of time in the garden playing on the water slide, having water pistol fights with their cousins and playing Flying Ring Golf which 
what2buy4kids recently sent us to review.

The game is very simple, there are nine flags that you push into the ground and 3 rings, which you throw like a Frisbee and try to get them over the flags. 

You can put the flags in whatever pattern you like, Luke enjoyed spreading them around the garden in a completely random pattern but you could also put them in a more organised layout. 

We played two different games with them, the first one we put the flags out in a random order and then stood at the edge of the grass and threw the three rings. If a ring landed over a flag we added up the number on the flag and the winner was the person with the most points.

It was quite tricky getting a ring to land over a flag but that added to the fun and if you did manage to score there was plenty of cheering. 

The other game we played was similar to golf. We put the flags out in number order and we had to get the rings on each of the numbers in turn. We had the rings reasonably close together but you could spread them out more to make the game harder for older children.

The big advantage to this game is it is lightweight and easy to take with you on outings. It would be fun to play it on the beach or it can be packed in the car and taken on a picnic. It is suitable for all ages and can be made as easy or hard as you want. The game is also very versatile, when the children get fed up of playing flying ring golf they can just use the rings like a Frisbee and play catch or see who can throw it the furthest!

We have really enjoyed playing flying ring golf and can see we will have hours of fun with it, both in the garden and on the beach this summer.

At £7.99 for the set it is excellent value and will last for years.

Disclaimer - I received the flying ring golf set for the purpose of the review but all words, opinions and photos are our own.

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