Monday, 30 January 2012

Charnos Tights Tester

Back in November I spotted a post on the Charnos Facebook page looking for people to test their tights. I tend to struggle with tights as I am 6' tall and most tight manufacturers tend to think women only grow up to 5'10." I have tried wearing the tights for women up to 5'10" but they are just not long enough, quite obvious really but very frustrating! I have lost count of the number of pairs of tights I have ruined by trying to pull them up far enough, they either ladder at the top or my toes go through the foot. Occasionally I think I have found a pair that fit but they go on OK in the morning and then gradually start sneaking their way down my legs and I spend all day trying to hoist them up and make them comfortable again! For this reason I tend to wear trousers in winter as whilst I prefer skirts my legs are just too pale to be seen without tights in winter. When I saw the post I was quite excited as I realised Charnos had recognised the very problem that I have with tights and had come up with a website to help women decide what leg shape they are and to match the right tights to their shape - Fantastic!!!

The first thing I needed to do before I could apply to be a tester was to determine what my leg shape was by going to the Lessons in Legs website where there were 6 leg types to choose from. Being 6 foot tall it was quite easy to decide which of the pictures was most like my legs and I now know my legs are the Flamingo type! The description for Flamingo legs is "long and slim, most would be envious but you'd like to add some more shape to really make your legs stand out." The website suggested that I should try texture and pattern to give my legs a fuller look, keeping it shapely and feminine.
Armed with this information I emailed Charnos and was quite excited when they emailed me back and asked me to be a flamingo tights tester for them.

I was sent two pairs of tights to review for them, Luxury Knit Cable Rib Tights in grey which are £12.50 and Mary & Charnos Sheer 10 Tights in Super Shadow, £9.50 and you can see me wearing them in the two pictures.

The thick grey luxury knit cable rib tights are brilliant, I have worn them such a lot with my denim skirt and they have kept my legs lovely and warm, especially on a very cold Sunday at Blackpool Zoo. They fit perfectly and have washed superbly well. I would not normally have considered grey tights however now I have tried them I really do like the colour and they go really well with denim. They are also available in black and chocolate.

The Mary & Charnos Sheer 10 tights were lovely and soft and again fit perfectly. The tights are very natural looking and you can hardly see them when you're wearing them. The cardboard packaging is very attractive and would stand out on a display of tights as it is so stylish and different to other manufacturers packaging.

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