Thursday, 1 January 2015


December has flown by, here are a few photos of what we have been doing.

The annual family Christmas party organised by Uncle Frank, it is now too big for his house so is held in the village hall. It was lovely seeing all the family and the children performed a great version of The Three Little Pigs

We took Daisy to see Aladdin at Lytham.

We had a great evening out at the Winter Wonderland at Event City, Manchester with Luke and Charlie.

We had the first frost of the year and the pond of the top of the road was finally drained after a lot of phone calls to the council.

We had all the family round for Christmas lunch

I made cranberry sauce for the first time which was delicious

Father Christmas came

Mark found enough candles for my birthday cake and we had a lovely day out in Skipton.

We had a trip on the Ravenglass railway.

We stayed at the Titanic hotel in Liverpool which was a lovely treat. We had a suite of rooms and I have never stayed in such a big hotel room before. We did some shopping in Liverpool and had a lovely meal in the restaurant.

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