Saturday, 26 November 2011


Usually by now I have bought an advent calendar for each of my sons however this year Christmas seems to be creeping up at an alarming rate and I am just not organised at all! When they were younger I always used to buy a traditional advent calendar with pictures behind the doors but these have become increasing difficult to find and aren't popular with my sons. At 6 and 10 they want the chocolate advent calendars that their friends have! I have been looking at alternatives this year and the wooden advent calendar from Next looks perfect. There are 24 wooden drawers, all nicely decorated which are just the right size for a little treat. Best of all the calendar can be re used every year and it also looks nice as a Christmas decoration too!


  1. I have brought chocolate calenders for my children due to pester power but kep looking at the lovely wooden calenders and may have to get one :)

  2. I'm off to town this weekend to get a wooden one, they are so much nicer than the standard advent calenders
