Thursday, 28 April 2011

Ogo Sport Discs

When we received the Ogo Sport discs I thought they looked fun and couldn't wait to try them. The website is excellent as it shows lots of pictures of people having fun with the Ogo Sport disc and there is a video of people playing as well. You can't purchase from the website but it does give you details of stockists are and there are plenty to choose from. The Ogo sport discs came in cardboard packaging that folds around the discs rather than a box which is much better as less cardboard is needed. The packaging is bright and has pictures of people playing with the discs as well as the instructions. I had no concerns about my children playing with this toy as they are both over 3 which is the recommended age. Both my children loved this toy. I played simple games with my 4 year old son, he loved trying to bounce the balls on the disc and he thought it was hilarious trying to catch the ball. My older son played outside with it and was quite good at catching the ball with his cousin. They both liked bouncing the ball on their own and spent ages playing with the discs. The packaging suggests using water bombs which will be really good fun when it is a bit warmer - we will definitely be trying that in the summer. It helps with co-ordination as you have to concentrate to keep the ball bouncing or catch it when someone else has thrown it. This toy definitely captured their attention and both boys really enjoyed playing with it.
This is a good quality toy which should last for years as it is suitable for both children and adults. It is such a simple idea but good fun and one of the main benefits is that it is portable; it can easily be put in a bag and taken to the beach or park. I think it is good value for money and will also last for years. If I had seen it in a toy shop without trying it first I probably wouldn't have bought it, but having played with it I would buy it as it is so much fun for everyone.
The Ogo Sport Discs are brilliant outdoor fun and everyone from toddlers to grannies will enjoy them!

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